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Policy Driven vs.
People Driven Policy Formation

Our vision is that policies formation be made more directly with citizens and interested parties instead of thorough party bosses taking in big “donations” from lobbyists and special interests.

A System

Our political system should not be like a sports event: a 2-sided event of one side against the other. Nor should the positions of the sides be dictated by large moneyed special interests.

We envision a system where solutions are multi-faceted and the representatives are more problem-solver than legislator. Hire lawyers to codify laws – the same we hire software developers to codify our ideas on the internet.

The Swamp

We envision a fundamental shift in the way that policies are formulated. We call one side the “Washington Money-Go-Round” or the more affectionate name coined by Ronald Reagan: “The Swamp.”

Money and Party Bosses set a “One-Size Fits All” scenario that must be conformed to.

The Garden

The way we envision making policy is more like a fertile landscape or garden, with citizens as the roots supporting the formation. The policies are relayed to the Representatives from the People themselves. Representatives come together in a spirit of mutual dignity and respect, looking to reach a solution based on the constituents’ needs driven by trust, compromise, and a genuine desire to deliver results.

Constituents can meet with Representatives more freely, resulting in a “Bottoms-Up” approach straight from the people.

From there, a policy created by the give-and-take between Representatives can formulate a national policy more closely aligned and responsive to the Peoples’  interests – and not influenced by big monied interests.


Unlike the old days where Representatives were trotted off to Washington, they can now spend more time at home in their respective districts formulating policy directly with their constituents.

The result: More direct, citizen-based and responsive solutions.

Scott A. Rappoport

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