Our 2-Party system of government has served us well – until it hasn’t. The two major parties are now so split and the debate so counter-productive, that no solutions can be enacted. There is no check and balance on rampant spending – the buying of votes to stay in power. There is no agreement on what is the best way to move forward. Budget induced shutdowns every few months are the norm.
Simply: Our government is dysfunctional.
The problem is the two parties themselves – and their failure is not simply the choice they have put before us for President. They serve special interests – those that pay a lot for influence, and they also serve their own party interests, but all of this is at the cost of the Peoples’ interests.
This is called the “Swamp.”
This status quo remains because they don’t have to compete. To maintain their grip on power, they gerrymander – or draw Congressional districts in such a way to ensure victory in uncompetitive races. They put up barriers to third parties or independent candidates in many states – further locking their grip on power. They rely on money – lots of it – to stay entrenched in power for as long as they desire.
Our Purpose is to break the grip of the two parties on American Politics – so our government is responsive to the People. We seek to elect people who will carry out policies that bring about change we can ALL believe in: To Make Our Government Work Again.